Young leaders Mentorship program

We are
here to rise

“The youth of today are the LEADERS of tomorrow” – Nelson Mandela

It is abundantly clear that when young leaders have access to responsible adult role models from their own communities, it profoundly influences their development. The Young Leaders Mentorship Program (YLMP) is dedicated to establishing an interactive platform that facilitates meaningful connections between mentors and mentees, fostering a worldwide culture of mentorship for personal and professional growth. The program’s primary objective is to provide young individuals with the opportunity to network with experienced professionals and receive guidance that empowers them to make informed decisions regarding their personal and career development.

Programs Completed
Success stories

Our Program Values

Diversity and Inclusivity

We celebrate diversity and welcome participants from various backgrounds and fields.


We maintain strict confidentiality, ensuring that shared information remains private and secure.


We encourage mutual respect, professionalism, and ethical behavior in all interactions.


We believe in the power of mentorship and its role in personal and professional development.


We expect mentors and mentees to be dedicated and committed to their roles and responsibilities.

Continuous Learning

We value the pursuit of knowledge and encourage a culture of lifelong learning.


What our alumni Say

'The YLMP program has been an eye-opening journey. Having a mentor narrowed down my focus in terms of my career path and ambitions. It truly takes a village to raise a child and the continued guidance from all members all contributed to the knowledge and skills I have acquired thus far. My the journey continue for myself and future leaders." cumsan tincidunt. Proin nec auctor lacus.
Tatenda Mashiri
“ My journey in the Young Leaders Mentorship program was amazing and un-regrettable, I wish to keep the same relationship with my mentor “.
Omuwa Etuna
"Being a part of the YLMP mentor has been such a great opportunity for me as an individual passionate about youth empowerment and career development. The working space provides a lot of energy to create a significant impact amidst the COVID 19 pandemic challenges and I am incredibly proud to see the team grow and glow on "
Iyaloo Nambuwa
work with us

READY to join our
mentorship program?