Mentorship like never before.

connect with experienced mentors.


Opening Session

We will host a welcoming session for all the participant that is compulsory to attend.

Opening Session

Learning outcomes


Session 1

Get to know each other, take care of paperwork, identify challenges and areas to focus on, and agree on a high-level six-months plan.

Topic: Mental Health Awareness
Speaker: N/A

Session 1

Learning outcomes


Session 2

Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Mentee and Mentor shall work together to complete the IDP based on discussion of their first meeting and workshop. The purpose of the IDP is to set goals and how to achieve them.

Topic: Financial Planning
Speaker: N/A

Session 2

Learning outcomes


Session 3

IDP Objectives/Goals
Identify first-half of the IDP Objectives/Goals, and create actions on how to achieve them.

Topic: Job Related (Cover Letter & CV)
Speaker: N/A

Session 3

Learning outcomes


Session 4

CV & Cover Letter
Analyse CV, assist with formatting and visualisation, improve language, sections and experiences. Can go over several sessions. Purpose is to have a "general" CV by the end of the mentorship program which would serve as the basis for a job-specific CV.

Topic: Leadership Skills
Speaker: N/A

Session 4

Learning outcomes


Session 5

IDP Objectives/Goals
Identify the second-half of the IDP Objectives/Goals, and create actions on how to achieve them.

Topic: Public Speaking
Speaker: N/A

Session 5

Learning outcomes


Session 6

Networking & LinkedIn
Discuss tools, techniques, forums and importance of networking for professional, academic and personal success. Review and improve LinkedIn to maximise benefits from online networking.

Mentee project and Presentation

Session 6

Learning outcomes


Final Review and Analysis

At the end of the mentoring relationship, the mentor and mentee are expected to have a final meeting to reflect on their relationship. They may also use this meeting to send YLMP any reports and/or recommendations.

Thank You

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